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Blemished - Marvin Folding Handle, Casemaster & Awning Window - White

Part Number: 93550001-W-BLEM Price: $15.00
NOTE: This item has scratches and is priced accordingly.
NOTE: Sold as is. No returns, refunds, or exchanges.

Marvin Folding Handle, Casemaster & Awning Windows
The Casemaster had a Smaller handle than the Ultimate Casement Window

Handed: No

Includes: Crank handle and set screw

Size: Small, 3-5/8 inch length

Product: Casemaster and Awning windows

This is the folding handle only, does not include the cover, sold separately (cover part #93550002)

Related Marvin Hardware Parts:

93550001 - Casemaster Folding handle only

93550002 - Casemaster Cover only for above handle

93550013 and 93550014 - Ultimate Window, Folding handle and cover

If your handle is 4-3/8" long, use 93550013 and 93550014
If your handle is 3-5/8" long, use 93550001 and 93550002